Get your questions to the registration at ALLBB answered here. If you have any further questions regarding the registration of you players please write to: registrar@allbb.de

Processing of Registration Forms

Once received we wil process your registration form for the coming season. Unless we have a question, or you have not completed all the mandatory fields, we will not be in touch. If you wish a confirmation of the completion of your registration forms please request this when you submit your forms.

Standby Lists

Sometimes because the league your child should be registered in has completely filled for the season, we will provisionally register them but notify you that they are in on our “standby list”. As players in this league withdraw or are allowed to “play up or play down”, standby’s will be confirmed as being in the league. We will update you when your status changes from standby list to confirmed.

Play up / Play down

Normally a player is assigned to a league based on birthdate. This is done to control the filling of the various leagues. If you have a specific request to have your child considered to be allowed to “play up” or “play down” please indicate this in your message when submitting their registration forms.

Play up means, for example, a child who is in their last year of play in the Minor League be allowed to play in the Little League. To be considered for playing up in a higher league the player must participate in our league “try-outs” and be evaluated for skill levels. Also, there must be a space available in the higher league for the player to be assigned. We attempt to fully consider all request to move up early but sometimes this is not possible because of safety (of play) considerations or lack of space.

Play down means, for example, you child should be in the Little League but wishes to be in the Minor League. Often the reason for a request is because the player has no or limited baseball experience and the intent is to place them at a level that while challenging does not overmatch them against the other more experienced players. Request to play down do not require participation in “try outs”, but, if the coaches consider your player to be too skilled the request may be denied.

Practice dates and restrictions

The ALLBB-Teams practice once a week, either on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The practice times are: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m., 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Normally the TB league has the earliest and Little League/Juniors the late practice. The 5:00 – 6:30 practice is a mix of Minor League/Little League.

We depend on volunteer coaches so the particular time of team practice is based on what works for the coach. When submitting your registration form you know that there will be a day, and perhaps, a time restriction for your child please note this when submitting your forms.

Children in same or different league

In general, when a family has several children playing, we make every attempt to have the children practice on the same day. If in the same league then the children will normally be assigned to the same team. If in different leagues (i.e. Minor League and Little League.) we will attempt to assign practice on the same day but the times may different.

If your player DO NOT wish to be on the same team please advise us of this decision when submitting your forms.