ALLBB Late Summer News 2016

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer vacation.


A few reminders here.


On September 5th (Labor Day) – Sachtlebenstrasse

Tom and myself will be working out at the field. Our main goal is getting the 3rd base dugout on field B (in the back) winter ready. We are going to nail the walls in since they are loose, paint it green. (that means buying some more paint again about 70-80€.)

If anyone has the urge to come out and help please do so. The dugout that was wrecked during the season has been repaired and painted. It is not perfect, but does the job it is intended to do.


September 7th – JFK Information Fair – JFK School

During the info fair we usually have a table and Christine uses pictures from ALLBB on the lap top, sign-ups for new kids, recruit new possible coaches, Winter baseball, etc. It would be great if we could have several ALLBB volunteers there to help set up take down and answer questions.


On September 17th – JFK School

ALLBB will have the batting cage at the JFK Verein fun day.

The Friday evening before (16th) Thomas and I will set up the cage at JFK.

We need to come up with a schedule of who is available to  help out that day.



Take Care

Gregg Norgren